Thursday, December 31, 2009

Didn't Quite Make It

(I just realized that title makes it sound like I will be blogging about bathroom worries, that is not the case).

Last New Years I decided that one of my goals would be to read 52 books in the coming year, one per week (books with at least two chapters since we read a plethora of picture books, but they don't count). I only got to 45 (although I may finish one more this afternoon, we'll see how it goes). Seven books in one afternoon is a little beyond my abilities (I really am a pretty slow dad and Josh love to tease me about that). Oh well, guess I have a ready made goal for this next year. Try, try again, right. I do LOOOOOOVE reading! This is a goal I love to try to meet.

P.S. Happy New Years Everyone!!!


  1. That may be too many books even for you, Melissa. If you count the kids books then I bet you are way over 100. Just divide them by two or three and you will will be good to go.

  2. I see you've read the Gregor the Overlander series. I really liked those books! If you have any reading suggestions, send them my way. I'm always looking for a good book to listen to as I work. :)
