Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is it bedtime yet?

Last night Josh went home teaching. I don't know how he knows when nights are going to be a challenge and manages to miss out on all the excitement, but somehow he seems to have a knack for it.

As soon as Josh walked out the door...

1. Logan punched Gavin in the face.
Therefore, Gavin started screaming bloody murder.
Hence, Ellie got scared and screamed too.
Thus, Bryce yelled at Gavin for scaring the baby
which made Gavin cry louder because he thought Bryce was mad at him.
Aubrey colored unflinchingly the entire time.

2. Gavin fell in the toilet. Feet first. Into poop.
The kids were all brushing their teeth for bed. Gavin climbed up onto the bathroom counter by stepping on the toilet lid. In the mean time, Logan needed to "poopy poopy" (his dad must have taught him that one) so I took in to the bathroom. When Gavin decided to get down from the counter, he didn't bother to look at the toilet first and plopped both feet directly into the murky depths while I was pulling up Logan's pants. Does Lysol spray work on skin?

3. Gavin had a shower.

4. It was Parker's day to say prayers after scriptures and songs. This past Sunday, Josh and I had been reminded in Sunday School about the need to pray individually for your children and let them hear you pray for them. So we have done that this week. It has not gone unnoticed because Parker prayed very specifically for every single member of our family and something they are dealing with. It was a miraculously beautiful moment and I was so sorry Josh missed it.

5. Bryce decided this was the night that he wanted to know all about what testicles are for.
What the heck!
How does Josh get out of those moments.
He is a boy, and he has no problem talking about ANYTHING!!!

6. Aubrey posted this on her door.
I guess I am not a wicked witch all of the time after all.
Oh, kids.


  1. Oh Melissa! I feel for you. You do rock, and I think you are a wonderful person :) Those are the joys of being a mom huh?

  2. I know that no one is perfect, but you still give us other mom's someone to look up to. Not all of us could handle what you do. When I talk about that, Frank tells me that you are made from a different mold than the rest of us. You are great. Love you.

  3. Wow what a crazy night! You are so awesome Melissa!!!

  4. I hate it when people say my children are made of MOLD!!! Melissa, you have no mold in you and neither do your children (unless they have stepped in something other than poo).

    BTW, you may remember that anything exciting used to happen while your dad was out of town (measles, snow, car breaks, etc.). I think it is nature's way of evening things out...or something like that.

  5. Wow! Your nights seem so full of excitement :) Thanks for sharing all of the mishaps of our nephews and nieces...they make us laugh pretty heartily! We love them, and you guys!

  6. This is incredibly awesome. These are the moments I imagine what motherhood is all about. Oh Melissa - you are definitely NOT a wicked witch, and I like to agree with Aubrey on this one....
    You Rock.
