Monday, September 27, 2010

In Quiet Awe

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend the general relief society meeting for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It was held in downtown Salt Lake at the conference center.  My mom and I arrived and were seated a few minutes before the meeting was to start (that was an adventure thanks to closed roads and traffic and huge lines...still, we made it).  We were chatting quietly, as were the thousands of other women in the building so there was a subdued sort of rolling prattle in the room. 

Suddenly, a calming near silence blanketed the crowd, and almost without any forethought every daughter of God in the room came to her feet.  Our dear prophet, President Monson, had entered, and his presence could be felt by all of us.  What other than a prophet of God could hush a room full of women happily engaged in twittering back and forth.  The reverence felt just through his presence is something I can't really find words for.  It is a testimony to me that this man represents our Father in Heaven.

I have been in the presence of prophets on a few occasions in my life, but it never ceases to remind my spirit of the blessing we have in our lives to be lead by a prophet of God.  What a dear gift.

I'm looking forward to general conference this coming weekend. 

P.S. For all you moms out there, click here for fabulous conference activity packets for your kids from youth to nursery.

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