Saturday, March 2, 2013

One Crushin' Birthday

My oldest daughter recently had a birthday.

It was a fun day and we tried to make it special for her.  But she has a sweet friend who made it an even sweeter birthday for her.

Our little girl happens to have a crush on a nice boy who lives in our neighborhood (and so it begins).  He seems to like her a bit too, and for her big day he made her a cake.  Knowing of her love affair with all things candy he decorated her cake with every sweet treat he could find.  She was ThRiLlEd!!  Not only did she get some attention from the boy she likes, she also had a tasty and sugary concoction to munch on for the next few days.  It was a win win for her.

This is the cake that Aubrey's young beau put together for her.

And the inside was nearly as exciting as the outside.  Impressive.

And one more after the kids took turns cutting slices to happily munch on.

Thanks for fabulous neighbors and cute little crushes (although we've squelched a fair amount of Aubrey's enthusiasm with lot of talk of boundaries and no dating until 16 and the like...her father, in particular, has VERY mixed feelings about the emotions of his pre-teen daughter).  Aubrey did have a wonderful birthday and we are grateful to everyone who helped that happen.  I do love that little girl (because to me, that's what she'll always be).

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