Happy Halloween!!!
Halloween is so much fun! This has been a great season for our family. Last night we carved our pumpkins and had a wonderful time. Bryce always hates pulling the guts out of the pumpkin, he doesn't care much for goopy, messy things. Gavin and Dad worked hard together to make a happy/scary pumpkin. Aubrey designed her jack-o-lantern face and then cut out Logan's pumpkin for him while Dad cut out most of hers.
All in all, it has been a great month and a wonderful holiday. We are looking forward to trick-or-treating tomorrow and class parties and all of the fun that comes with Halloween. Have a very...
Happy Halloween!!!
From the DeMouxs
Parker did his cutting entirely by himself. It got pretty hard but he really stuck with it. Logan was very protective of his pumpkin and didn't want anyone to get too close to it. They turned out well and it was a great night for our family.

Happy Halloween!!!
From the DeMouxs