Kids, Toilets, and Noses

It's funny how being a parent puts you in touch with things that you never really thought much about before you had children. For example, since becoming parents, Josh and I have learned how to remove and replace toilets (with three removals and two replacements, we are old pros) , how to counteract a variety of clothing stains, how to appreciate "Magic TreeHouse" and "Magic Schoolbus" books, how to clean up puke without puking yourself (that one's easy, you ask your sweet husband to handle it), and so forth.
Another thing we have come to know is how to get things out of children's noses. While we have removed things from the nose of almost all of our children (thank you Bryce for not stuffing things up there and hopefully Logan will choose not to do that as well), most of our nose object removal knowledge has come courtesy of our now three year old, Gavin. This week Gavin came in to our bedroom complaining that his nose hurt. When we asked why it hurt, he looked at us with this "Duh, because I shoved a little green plastic ball up it" expression. Fortunately, we are not amateurs in this arena (although we have had to take Gavin to the doctor to remove other objects). Josh expertly maneuvered the offending ball and the universe was returned to normal. You can always count on Josh when nostril probing is required.

We have also learned to appreciate home movies made by our little ones. Aubrey has been the creator of late and below you will find her latest cinematic creation. You will note the Christmas music in the background, the kids cannot get enough of it. Poor left out Thanksgiving. Enjoy her little show.

Kids definitely keep life interesting. As a side note, we just found out this week that Bryce's reflection contest entry (a picture of's in a previous post) is going to be moving on to the district level of competition. We're not sure if that means he was first place in his school or top two or three, but either way we are really proud of him. He worked hard on that project.

Life here is never dull, that is for sure!!! (but that's the way we like it)


Melissa DeMoux said…
OK, I thought that Parker was too young to read, but the night that we posted this he was up several times throwing up so Josh and I got a little more practice at cleaning that up. What fun (Parker is feeling better today)
What are you teaching your children. I believe what Aubrey was doing is very close to doll abuse...possibly a federal offense. I really couldn't tell if the second doll had the rope around her neck but it seemed awfully close.

What a cute little girl, even though she has taken on some of her mother's habits. Congrats on the puke cleanup system. Love, Dad
Its fun to read about all the wild times at your house. I really enjoyed Aubrey's cinema debut with her make-shift puppets. Glad to hear Parker is feeling better and that Gavin's nose will live to smell another day. Congrats to Brycers too! Its impressive to win a photo competition at such a young age. See you guys soon!

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