Christmas Here We Come

The day after Thanksgiving, our children could wait no longer. It was time to Christmify our house!!We'll share some of the finer points with you. Parker (our nearly five year old)was our photographer. You will notice that our Christmas tree only has ornaments from about the middle up. This is because our one year old, Logan, is a normal one year old child. He cannot help but help himself to anything interesting that is within his
reach. Sometimes he just reorganizes the placement of said ornaments, sometimes they find their way between couch cushions or into the sink or toilet. It is all kinds of exciting, decorations and hide-and-seek all in one.

Next, Parker wanted to show off his ginormous (or so Aubrey says) stocking. This is the stocking that the hospital staff placed him in to bring him into my room when he was first born (he was born on Christmas Eve). He loves this stocking and every year attempts to climb back inside it so that we can see how much he has grown.
Finally, we have our family stockings. I made these during the December of
2000 and I guess we were lucky we made just enough for everyone to have one (we just add their names to the socks as they come along). Josh and I love watching this shelf become more crowded as our family has grown. Christmas with our children is a joy. We love the songs and shows and stories. Hopefully, we can help them remember our Savior at this time as well. We feel awfully blessed to be a family.
