Some Say Tak, Others Merci...I Just Say Thanks

It isn't quite Thanksgiving yet, but today I am feeling exceptionally grateful. No real reason (that I know of anyway), but I feel very blessed. I have a house full of incredible children (sometimes I am not as grateful for that as I ought to be, but most of the time I love it), an amazing husband who takes prodigious care of me (who doesn't love being fawned over), fabulous extended family on both sides (I always kind of wanted a quirky, annoying mother-in-law, but I didn't get one...and I am awfully glad to have the one I've got),a home that fits our family perfectly, and a ward/neighborhood full of people I hope to be like when I grow up (do I really have to grow up?).

Our family has been blessed in a myriad of ways. For example,we have a new baby girl that we weren't sure how we would clothe before she was born (it has been seven years since our last girl and bit by bit the clothes we had have found their way to other homes) and we didn't have money for a whole new wardrobe. However, amazingly, oodles of adorable clothes found their way to our home through what (to me) are miraculous means. Also, through the sweet care of others, we now have a plethora of adorable headbands, bows, and other accessories that are super cute and more than we would have asked for (you know they are cute when your rough and tumble husband insists that his baby daughter have a flower or bow in her hair every day).

Funny how the Lord takes care of you, usually through the kindness of other people. From much needed bunk beds, to volunteer babysitters we have been blessed with the things that we need, and often, the things that we wish for. We are surrounded by people who often say just the thing we need to hear or call just when we need a lift. I often get caught up in MY life and MY family, but I hope to become the kind of person who sees and takes time for the needs of others. How else can I repay my incredible Father in Heaven for all that he has given me. He blesses us with the things we need, many times before we even realize we need them.

And so, I want to say thanks to all of you out there, amazing friends and family, who make my life a joy and who make me want to be better than I am. Thanks for caring and taking an interest in my family (my favorite people in the world) and for helping us have the kind of relationships we want to continue for eternity. We love you all!!!


It is so nice to have wonderful children. Thanks for letting us be a part of your lives. we Love all of you and hope that shows in how we live. Thanks for being our friends.

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