Happy Anniversary to the egg laying man of my dreams
This is the face of the man I love.
Yes, the picture is cruddy because it was taken with my phone, but this is the guy I am gladly stuck with forever and ever after pretending to lay an egg at Target because I told him I thought it would be funny. You should have seen the looks people gave him while he sat there. His face did go a little red with a twinge of embarrasment...and he did it all for me because he loves me.
How do you explain that to someone who doesn't understand? How do you tell people about true love -- the kind that lasts for eternity, the kind that means you are best friends and that you can tease each other and kiss each other and fight with each other and everything in between? This man is my favorite ever, and even when I'm mad at him he is still the person I want to be around more than any other.
As of today he has stuck with me for 13 years. I guess we're lucky it isn't a Friday (Friday the 13th anniversary? who knows what would come of that). But mostly we're lucky because we found each other and I think we are a perfect fit.
Before Josh came along I was just one sad sock waiting in the dryer for a mate, but then he showed up and now we're happily wandering through life together (but not on someone's feet which is good...actually that's a stupid metaphor, forget I said that).
I think we have many more adventures to come, and I look forward to every single one of them right by his side. Right where I belong.
I love you Joshua.