G takes a missionary fireside to heart

 On Sunday our family attended a missionary devotional for our area.  It was pretty great.  There was lots of singing and testimonies and some videos and it was just a really nice evening.  As we were leaving there was a table of pamphlets and handouts in the foyer.

When we got into the car I found that my eight year old had grabbed a copy of the Book of Mormon and a couple of pamphlets.  He said he thought they were cool.

I explained to him that the missionaries didn't really intend those things for those of us who already have them, they put them there so you could give them to someone else if you knew someone who could be blessed by them.  I thought he would be disappointed at that, but he wasn't.

Gavin immediately brightened and started thinking of friends that he could share the message of the gospel with.

Well, today, all on his own.  He followed through on those thoughts.  He brought his brand new Book of Mormon out and told me he was going to go deliver it to his friend.  I suggested he maybe write his testimony or a message about the book in the front so it would be personalized for his friends.  He loved that idea and immediately went to work.

After carefully crafting his message, he walked on his own to his friend's home and delivered to book (also asking his friend to come over and play -- can't be all business).  His friend took the book but had errands to run with his parents.

Gavin came home beaming.  He walked in the door and said, "Even though he can't come play right now it doesn't really matter because what I really wanted to do most was to make sure he knew about the gospel.  Now he can read it and know the truth."  I folded him into a hug (that may have been a little too squishy for him) and just loved him to bits.

I am very proud of this young man.  This was his project, he did it all on his own without any kind of pressure or coaxing from his parents.  In fact, maybe his parents could do a bit better at following his example.  I sure do love that boy.


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