Family fun at Gardner Village

This week we took a trip to Gardner Village.

We always go in October to see the witches (if you haven't been, you should go, it is super cute and free) but this time around we went with my entire extended family to take family pictures.

So, while the photographer was taking pictures of all the awesome super cute families and stuff, we (ok, mostly just Josh) were snapping shots of other moments that we wanted to remember.

You know, moments like this....

and this...

and this...

and this...

And all the girl cousins together.

And all the boy cousins.

Just kidding, here are the cutie pie boys (and also my youngest brother for good measure).  

Anyway, it was fun.  We didn't get to enjoy the witches as much as usual, but we had lots more people to goof around with so it was a good trade.  Can't wait to see the family pictures coming soon.


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