Family Goals: The 2015 Edition

This week, being the first full week of the new year, we jumped into reviewing our family goals from last year and worked to set new goals for this year.

So we pulled out our trusty "Family New Years Box" (meet him here) and checked out last year's fun.  We read papers which we wrote last new years about our favorite tv shows, music, food, scripture story, best friend, hopes etc (some people might have been mildly embarrassed at what their favorite things were 365 days ago).  It was fun to compare the hand stuck on the end of each of our arms to our traced hand prints from last January and see how much many of us had grown (although, some of us are pretty much the same).  

Last year's goals included:
#1: Read the New Testament as a family....check, we completed that.
#2: Go on at least two out of the house activities each month....check, we finished that with the help of our many summer hikes we really did well on this.
#3: Fill up our service jar...done and done

So then it was time to think of the coming year.

We asked the kids what they thought would be good goals to which all of them replied (almost in unison)


(I may have dragged my family on a bunch of hikes over the summer last year and they may have sort of hated it...but I loved it so no promises that I won't make them do more this year...we shall see.)

Anyway, while I refused to promise "no more hiking" I did concede that we would not put it -- or anything like unto it -- on our list of goals.

So, after some discussion we came up with our three new objectives for 2015 (and everyone agreed to them so that was a nice bonus).

#1: Read the Doctrine and Covenants as a family 
#2: Visit all of the LDS temples in Utah (and maybe a couple other nearby ones) during the course of the year.  (I think we will try to turn a couple of these into overnight trips if we can and Bryce pushed that we make sure we take pictures at each temple so we will remember.  Should be a great adventure.)

And #3: (the one that may be particularly tough) Josh challenged us to increase our efforts when it came to our service jar and DOUBLE the number of service papers we added to is this year.  Yikes!  But I think we can manage it if we work hard (that will be 1000 recorded acts of service in 2015).

So, there you go.  DeMoux family goals for 2015.  Should be fun.

(And I might throw a hike or two in for good measure.)


Anonymous said…
keep taking the them hiking . they will thank you when they grow up and look back on it

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