A couple of true Texas gentlemen

While we were camping at the Grand Canyon we ran into a small problem.  After our first night (17 degree low temp that evening) we realized that the amount of propane we had brought to keep our children from turning into popsicles in the tent at night, run our lantern, and power our stove was not enough.  We'd used more than the amount we planned for heating that first night and the nights were frigid so we knew we needed to do something.

We drove to the local store only to find that while they carried a lot of camping gear, and even some types of fuel, they didn't have propane canisters.

Well, oh well, I guess.  We started to work out new plans to manage our cooking and keep everyone warm.  It was going to be rough, for sure.  We talked it through and eventually the lack of fuel was a big factor in why we left a day early.

However, as we were making dinner that night, prepping for freezing night two (which honestly felt not nearly as cold although the temp was only 24 degrees) we got a visit from one of our two college aged camping neighbors.

These two had been polite and quiet, but also kind as we had spent some time near each other in the snugly places campsites.  Their license plate proclaimed them to be from Texas.

Anyway, one of the two headed shyly toward us.  He was almost embarrassed as he explained that he and his friend had overheard Josh and I talking about our propane issue that day.  He said he didn't want us to have struggles and then handed us what he said was a spare propane canister that they had brought.

Oh my goodness.  We were so touched.  What a kind and generous thing to do for people he didn't know at all and who were (likely) a little bit more loud and rowdy than he probably appreciated for neighbors.  We were so very grateful for his thoughtful action.  It almost made my eyes leak.

This spare canister meant that as our kids started waking up the next morning we could swap out the empty propane containers from the night for a full one and heat up the tent so that as our little ones woke up they weren't miserable.  It meant we could spend the morning enjoying time as a family rather than trying to keep from freezing.

When we packed up to leave on Monday morning, our two Texas neighbors were still snug in their green, two-man tent so we didn't get to thank them again in person.  Instead, we slipped a note into one of their shoes and hoped they would feel our gratitude for their actions and example and know that we hope to be a bit more like that as we headed forward in our own travel.

Thanks for the generosity of two true Texas gentlemen.


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