Downtown to kick off the holidays

This weekend we jumped headfirst into our musical theater performance season.

We now have four children who participate in this group and Christmas is a busy season (but it's also a lot of fun!).

So, Saturday, we toted our quartet of performers into downtown Salt Lake City for presentations at the Joseph Smith Memorial Center, Church History Museum, and the visitor center at Temple Square.

Normally, these formal performances are only for the oldest group, but this year some of our younger members were invited to be part of a few numbers meaning our whole crew got to take part.  Good stuff.

(Get a little taste for Miss Margene's Musical Theater Christmas Show here)

Round I:  Joseph Smith Memorial Center -- a great venue with fabulous acoustics and beautiful surroundings.  A great place to sing.

Some people may have been bothered that I wouldn't let them munch on granola bars in the middle of the show.  Moms can be total jerks.

Our four favorite stars.

Round II:  LDS Church History Museum -- tight quarters, but a super fun performance.

The kids drew quite a crowd in the entry of the building.

Round III:  Last, but not least, the visitor center on Temple Square.  

And then a few shenanigans and hijinx while looking at lights on the temple grounds.  

Let the fun of the holiday season begin!


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