It's Mary Poppins, Ya'll!

Two of our children (Gavin & Aubrey) have been spending weeknights at rehearsals for the last few months preparing for a community production of Mary Poppins (and it has kind of been a pain because of all the end of school activities going on that conflict with rehearsals).

Aubrey is in the ensemble (much like she was in Carousel last summer), but Gavin is one of two boys playing Michael (one of the children Mary Poppins takes under her wing). 

The play debuted last week (while I was at girls camp), but Gavin did not start his role until Monday so that's the first time we went to the show.  And now, he is a STAR (at least if you ask me).  And I could not stop watching Aubs as she transitioned from a statue to a banker to a silly jabber girl to a chimney sweep and more.  I was totally enthralled.

Oh my goodness, suddenly all those long nights and inconvenient trips to and from West Valley City Cultural Celebration Center were all worth it.  It was sooooo much fun to see my babies up on stage doing something they love.

And the play is pretty good (even if you look past all the "I am the mother" bias).  It's really fun.

(Now for the cheesy bit.) 

I'm grateful for the people who make events like this possible.  It takes so much time and energy that these performances just wouldn't be worth it unless you sincerely love performing arts and the community and the kids involved -- and these people do.  I love that my kiddos can be part of this kind of thing.  It's an experience I simply cannot give them at home.

And here're some videos because I like to show my kids off...I mean because I want family who doesn't live nearby to be able to see bits of the show (either way, I guess). 


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