Our "Eight is Enough" Ride

This week, thrill of all thrills, we became the proud owners of a used Suburban. We are excited because we now have enough seats that when our baby is born we will be able to fit everyone in one car. I actually really like it and am loving the way it drives (it is nothing fancy, but right for us). I never thought of myself as the kind of person that would have a Suburban. In fact, as we were looking for cars that would fit eight people I tried every possible mode of transportation that wasn't a Suburban first (once you get past the 15 passenger vans and the little SUV's with no storage space--which is required if we ever want to actually go anywhere--there really aren't a lot of other options). Somehow, Suburban says, to me, gigantic family that shops exclusively at bulk warehouse stores (not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just not how I envisioned my life). I guess I also never really thought of myself as the someone who would have six children, but here I am...and I wouldn't change it. Life definitely throws you curves every now and then (and ginormasized cars) but it is never dull, and keeps me on my toes (as well as slinking to bed early and exhausted every night...is there life after 9:30 pm??). I am really grateful to have a vehicle that will work for our family. I am grateful for my big family, full of small people. They mean the world to me...and I wouldn't give them up, even for a five passenger luxury car.


Daley Family said…
Yeah! I am happy you found something for your family! It is always fun to get a new car.
being the proud owner of 4 step children I now have 6 kids part of the time. In order to get around as a family we have had to look into a BIG automobile too. Suburbans are pretty much it. Let me know how it rides. I miss you all so much.
You are so stinking cute! "I am grateful for my big family, full of small people." I love that! That's great you guys got a big enough car :)
mytee sooperox said…
Of course there is life after 9:30. That's when I get my second wind. I crash mid-afternoon--the whole "public school lets out at this time and now I can relax" syndrome has never left me. So, my kids get the cools toys thrown at them then, or a movie, and Jonny doesn't do his homework until after the others have gone to bed. He's a night owl like his mommy so it works out okay.
T-Time said…
Melissa... How adorable your posts are. They bring a smile or rather giggle to my day and a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart! ! What a blessing to have a big ol car for the eight is enough clan!!! love ya bunches!!!
Henich Family said…
You guys sure have come a long way since that first date of hating each other!!!!

We REALLY need to get together sometime soon. Hope all is well.

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