De Week of DeMouxs (What a dumb title, who came up with that?))

It has been a busy week. Sadly, my computer is moving at the speed of continental drift (aka veeeeery slowly) and so I am too frustrated to attempt my usual wit and whimsy in the text of this post.
***Insert snide/anecdotal/ridiculous/humorous comments here***
We took a new DeMoux family picture.

Aubrey was in a parade.

Josh's soccer team won their final game of the season and they played the best they ever have.
This picture has nothing to do with soccer, but I just really wanted to post it anyway.

With the help of my Whitmer family, we expanded our vegetable garden/patch of backyard dirt.

We were able to bless Ellie in Church on Sunday.
Lots of family events and all kinds of excitement. We'd show you the video of Logan dancing naked in the bathtub, but someone might be offended and think we were exploiting him so we'll keep it to ourselves. Here's hoping for another fabulous week to come.


Josh looks LOVELY with that expression on his face. Did you just take away his 'man-card'? The other pics are great.

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