Watch it, I'm Grumpy!!!!

This (below) is how our sweet little newborn behaves during the day. She is quiet and content and adorable. When she is awake, she is pleasant and alert. She is a lot of fun. We adore her!
This, on the other hand, is how our newborn behaves at night (at least lately). Our adorable little angel becomes a terror sheathed in the image of a baby girl!!! It's like Gremlins, without the "just add water" element. The only way to calm this monster is to plug it's face with a binki that it seems determined to spew out the moment you get it in. And so, I do my best to sleep (ha ha ha) with my hand positioned on the infant's face in the bassinet next to my bed so that the gentle pressure of said hand keeps the plug in and the whining/crying/screaming bloody murder to a minimum. (Ok, fine, I still adore her, just with more frustration than during the day).
Possibly I should become a vampire and sleep during the day so that I could be prepared for the night. Do you think sleeping in a coffin is required or is that just a classic cliche?
To his credit, Josh did get up with her after her 3:00 am feeding last night and took her in the living room to try to let me sleep. Unfortunately I could still hear her so she kept both of us up. But it is daytime now and she is cute again so at the moment, I am sure she didn't do it on purpose.


Megan said…
Yeah, Matt has been sleeping on the couch since our little guy got here in August. I'm sleeping with the baby in the bed. I hope he starts sleeping through the night before I have to go back to work!
I hear that tape works wonders at holding in binkies. If scotch doesn't do the trick, you can always use DUCT TAPE like the rest of us men. Good luck either way.
Paula said…
Oh sigh! I think I would have a lot more kids if they would sleep through the night like little angels from birth. Though I must say we've been pretty lucky with our babies being pretty content at night as long as they are wrapped like little mummies. So I shouldn't complain. It's sure a good thing that babies are cute though! I hope Ellie learns to sleep more at night soon!

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