Blissfully Toasty

Today the temperature in the house is decadent!!! It makes me happy.

Generally speaking, I am almost always cold. I always have been. Whether it stems from too sedentary a lifestyle or slight anemia or possible past alien abduction, I don't know, but I am always cold and I HATE it!! Josh, on the other hand, is always hot (besides just being devilishly handsome...I am talking about his internal thermostat). Therefore, our house is usually chilly to me because if I turn up the heat, he fries (besides, it is a lot easier to fix "too cold"--add a sweater-- than "too hot"--run around naked...goodness, what would the neighbors say?).

However, Josh is currently in school (he is taking classes, not just his regular teaching gig) so he won't be home until about 9:00 pm so today I am indulging myself (and hopefully not running up the gas bill too much) and the house sits at a blissful 73 degrees. I am in heaven.

Also, the baby is growing and becoming more adorable by the day.
That is all.

P.S. Have a great day!


I pity your children when you get old and they come to visit. You will probably put the furnace at 80 degrees and still want more. Don't get mad when they decide to sleep outside in a tent during the winter months (remind you of anything?).
Scott and I are the same way! I am always freezing when he turns the temp down. Must just be a guy thing... they are weird!
Ellie looks so cute in her pink outfit. I love seeing girl clothes, always cute.

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