Sleep That Knits the Raveled Sleeve of Care...Maybe for you, Shakespeare!!!
Sleep. Should be easy. Not so much.
Ellie used to sleep through the night. I used to love that. For the last several weeks she wakes up at random points in the night and when Josh or I go in to check on her she is smiling this adorable "Hey, you came!! Want to play?" face up at us (or that is what it seems like, I don't actually see really clearly at 3:00 am). I feel pretty good when I get the binki back in her mouth in less than four attempts and then hope that she can fall back to sleep while I trudge back to my bed.
Finally, last night Parker had a bad dream. It scared him enough that it woke him up and put
him in tears. I only found out about this when I got up this morning because his big brother, Bryce, heard him crying, got out of bed to find out what was wrong, comforted the nightmare ridden boy. Then Bryce invited Parker to come to bed with him so that PJ wouldn't be scared anymore. I couldn't be more proud.
Ellie used to sleep through the night. I used to love that. For the last several weeks she wakes up at random points in the night and when Josh or I go in to check on her she is smiling this adorable "Hey, you came!! Want to play?" face up at us (or that is what it seems like, I don't actually see really clearly at 3:00 am). I feel pretty good when I get the binki back in her mouth in less than four attempts and then hope that she can fall back to sleep while I trudge back to my bed.

(Ellie, sleeping with her bow over her eyes)
It is not unusual for _______ (insert any DeMoux child's name here...except Bryce) to come into our room at night and pull up a throw pillow and sleep on the floor. This can be dangerous for Josh when he gets up in the morning. If I can't really see in the early hours, he is much worse off because he can't see at any hour until he gets his contacts in...also, it is very dark when he gets up. He has, on several occasions, nearly broken his neck tripping on a blanket wrapped youngster who has deposited himself/herself on the floor near the edge of our bed. Mostly, as long as he doesn't scream too loudly on the way down, it is alright...I don't want him to wake me up.
Finally, last night Parker had a bad dream. It scared him enough that it woke him up and put
