Only Half a Green Thumb

I'm not sure what it is, but I cannot keep plants alive when they are inside my house. I love gardening and when I plant things outside, they grow beautifully and I can manage and care for them and life is fabulous, but the moment I bring a member of the plant world inside the walls of my home, I kill it. I cannot tell you how many plants I have handed over to my father because they were on their last leg....and he cares for them and they grow into beautiful, blooming pictures of health, but for me they struggle to survive and gasp for breath until eventually they wither and die.
The flowers in my yard to great, our vegetable garden grows well, but anything I try to grow inside is DOOMED. Go figure.
Last year I bought a fern like plant (because if nothing else, I always hope that things will be different and somehow this plant will survive). The tag said it was the perfect houseplant because it sits in this little trough so that you only have to remember to water it every other week or so. Perfect, right up my alley, this should be great.
Twice now, I have realized that the thing is nearly dead and gone to find that there is no water in said trough and probably hasn't been for a few days. I can remember to water the outside plants almost every day, but the inside plants I forget to care for. Sigh.
Now, the plant needs to be divided, but that means certain death for my lovely fern, so I have been putting it off for over a month. Maybe I should call my dad.


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