Sometimes you just can't win
This has been a fun week so far. It seems like life starts to go crazy beginning in October with Halloween and then it just escalates and escalates until all the excitement of Christmas is behind us. This is a great time of year.
That said, BOOOOO to snow!!!!
No thank you.
I would like a refund on fall.
Still, we make the most of it. Well, most of us do. Ellie, not so much, but she is still a baby (to us at least) so we let her attitude slide a little....for now.
As you can see, it all turned out ok in the end, but it was a drama for a while.
We also carved pumpkins this week
(thank you Winco for eight cents a pound).
Logan was a monster (not a dress up one, but a screaming, tantrum throwing one) the night we pumpkined. However, he fell asleep just before we started knifing our way to creative glory so we let him sleep. Thus, he has no gourd representation in this picture. We'll get to it another day.
And, finally, Gavin had his pre-school Halloween party today, which is always lots of fun, so I thought I would share a bit of that. He is the devilishly handsome Shadow the Hedgehog on the left end.
Happy Halloween this weekend everyone!