Forgetful Jones...I think?
Once upon a time I used to have a fabulous memory.
I almost never wrote things down because I didn't need to, I just remembered.
Then I had six children.
Now my world is littered with calendars and post it notes, and even that doesn't always fix my absence of memory.
It's sad, really.
For example, two weeks in a row I went grocery shopping and once I got out to the car and started unloading I realized I had things on the bottom rack that I forgot to put on the check out belt so I had inadvertently stolen them.
After everything else was loaded, I packed the kids back in the cart and trucked my little behind back into the store to pay for the illegally obtained items. Who knew I was a closet shoplifter!
Also this week, I lost my good camera (although I don't know if that is my forgetfulness or my children's curiosity and can't-keep-our-hands-offedness).
Play dates, library activities, wedding receptions...I am a mess anymore. I blame the kids, but maybe it is early onset Alzheimer's. Yikes, should be a fun next fifty years. Hopefully Josh will keep from any extreme flubs, I'll have to suck up and be extra nice so he'll take care of me in my mind lapsing state.
At least I didn't forget Halloween (not that I could with six little monsters to remind me every day).