
Josh worked the Lady Gaga concert here in Salt Lake last night. 

He spent the evening backstage in the wings with a direct view of the sexy star and her little starlets (don't be jealous, he had NO desire to be there).

But despite her scantily clad, perky, trim form (and all the dancers in her entourage as well) he still came home completely gaga for me.

Oooh, I love that man. 


Her music is awesome to exercise to because it's upbeat, but what I REALLY want to see her in is a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Those outfits she wears can NOT be comfortable at all. I think I need to get a job like Josh's because I'm SO starstruck that something like that would totally make me so excited. Yep, I'm crazy.
I am afraid that if I was working that concert I might be tempted to call her Lady GagGag because she is so revolting. Just Madonna (another evil one) on steroids.

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