Turning 12

This past week my oldest son turned 12.

Despite the fact that that makes me feel old, it was a great day for him.

Bryce with his monkey bread breakfast cake and candles that didn't want to stay upright.

As part of having lived a full dozen years, Bryce had the opportunity to meet with our bishop and be interviewed to see if he is worthy and ready to receive the Aaronic priesthood.  His father was able to confer that priesthood on our little boy and now I am the mother of a priesthood holder.

I don't really know how to descrive how I feel about that.  I am popping with pride that my little boy has lived the kind of life thus far that makes it possible for him to bear the priesthood of God.  I can hardly wait to watch him pass the sacrament for the first time (there may be tears involved).  I am thrilled to see him out with his father collecting fast offering to bless the lives of ward members.  This young man is such a blessing in my life that I don't know how to thank my Father in Heaven enough for sending him to me. 

Twelve years ago this little sprite turned me into a mom, and I have never wanted another career.  He is thoughtful and happy and quick to obey.  I know God has a plan because He didn't send this child to our home first by accident, what a great example Bryce is (ok, most of the time) to his younger siblings.  I just adore that kid and I am excited to see what the next twelve years bring (but they could slow down a bit, somehow it seems to go by much too fast).

I will forever be grateful for a Heavenly Father who allows these young boys to clasp a piece of His power so that they have the chance to serve others and feel the spirit as they grow into righteous men.  What a beautiful chance to witness the power of God by working hand in hand with Him to be part of His plan and to touch other's lives for good, especially mine.  What a joy.

I really love this guy, and I feel very blessed that I have had the opportunity to watch him learn and grow and in turn learn from him as we've walked these years together.  I think we'll keep him around.


The best part about it is that you have another priesthood holder in the home. My son is teacher and I feel the presence of the priesthood in our home when my hubby is out of town. Last week was hard they were both gone all week and we really felt that loss.
Corinne said…
So, I totally remember at our 5 year reunion that Sheely was a few months old and you had a tiny person also. And now look at them - 12!!!!

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