Wrestle, cry...repeat

The kids love to wrestle with their dad.
It is one of their favorite activities...EvEr!!

Somehow, Sunday afternoons have sort of become our regularly scheduled wresting bouts.  All six kids (in varying degrees of participation) like to gang up on their dad and try to come off conquerer.

This is how the whole thing usually starts...

...and this is how is usually ends.

It seems that children always end up wounded and sad and crying, no matter how careful Josh tries to be during these matches.  I guess it is just part of the charm of the activity (charm??).  Thankfully, no one has yet died in one of these encounters, so our record is pretty clear.

Even though they often end up hurt and forlorn, the kids still come rushing from all four quarters of the house when they hear and faint sounds of dad wrestling.  I guess that is a good thing.


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