Rain by Request

The other night Aubrey called me in to her room after she had gone to bed at 9:00.  She was giddy.

I came in to find the song "A Little Fall of Rain" playing on her radio (she listens to Show tunes Saturday Night on Saturdays and looks forward to it all week).  She was thrilled because she had written to the DJ that week and requested the song and here it was.  The DJ had even mentioned Aubrey on the radio as part of the introduction of the song.

But here's the good part.

Why did she request that particular song?  It's because she knew it was MY favorite song from Les Miserables and she wanted to dedicate it to me.

This is what she wrote in her email request.

"Hello my name is Aubrey DeMoux. I am ten and I love to listen every Saturday. I really like the music. My mom likes it to but she is always busy at night. I wish the music were on more often. Well it is my bedtime. I would like to request a song though. A little fall of rain is one of my mom's favorite songs. Sincerely Aubrey DeMoux."

I couldn't help but tear up a little when I read that.  What a sweetheart.  No wonder I adore this little princess.

So, Saturday evening about 9:30 found me sitting on my oldest daughter's bed with my arm around my girl as we both sang along to a heartfelt song that my angel requested for me.  I'm not sure I can think of a better way to end an evening.  I think we might should do that again sometimes soon. 

I love you Aubers.


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