
This week is snowed for real for the first time this season.
The kids were THRILLED!!
We broke out the boots and snow pants and bundled up to pillage and plunder in the white wonder of the yard.
It was a lot of fun.
I only got pictures of the little ones (don't worry, there will be plenty of chances for snapshots of older children as winter continues to play at our house) so here is a glimpse of the fun of first snow.
Logan building a snow fort (or making a pile of snow as the case may be).

No trip to the tundra is complete without hot chocolate
when you make it back from your adventure.

Every little snow bunny eventually gets tuckered out.
We had six tickets to the BYU football game last Saturday and had planned to take the four oldest children to Provo for some fun, but after much deliberation we decided it was too cold for little ones to sit on frozen metal seats for a game that started after the sun would already be down.  We opted to make the best of it from the comfort of our family room.  The kidlets were pretty disappointed, but it turned out to be a wonderful evening anyway.  Maybe next year.


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