The happy secret to sewing on scout numbers

Gavin is old enough that he will be joining our cub scout troop for pack meeting this week. 
That means that we needed his shirt to be all labeled and ready to go. 
I took a trip to the local scout store to buy the numbers I needed (some of them I already had because they came off the used shirt that I go as a hand-me-down...boy oh boy do I love hand-me-downs).
Then I sewed the numbers on the arm of the shirt by hand...
And it was a crooked mess.
So I picked out all the stitches, pinned things in place and tried again.
Still, the numbers were all Leaning Tower of Pisa.  They just wouldn't stand up straight.  So I went for round three.  I tried to iron the numbers in place first (their back are supposedly iron on, but I think someone just said that to watch fools like me get frustrated when they won't stick...if only I hadn't donated my basting spray to a neighbor who needed it, then I would be the boss.  At least I didn't resort to hot glue, I know that would rank high on my regret-o-meter later on.)  Anyway, no dice.  The numbers till wobbled all over the shoulder of the shirt.  These things were dead set on making me crazy by refusing the line up.
I hate them.  Stupid.  Rotten.  Ugly.  Nasty scout numbers.
So, I vented on Facebook (which isn't my usual solution, but I was mad and wanted the world to know it). 
That's when a couple people clued me in to a fabulous little secret. 

Success at last.
(Now, my sewing machine did try to throw a tantrum and refuse to behave but I whipped it into shape and now we are back on speaking terms.  I did a wide zigzag stitch between the numbers and then a straight stitch around the edges to attach to the shirt.)
Thanks Facebook friends, you saved they day...and for any of you with the same trouble I had, here is a fabulous solution that I will gladly plant my stamp of approval on.  Happy day. 
Pack meeting, here we come!


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