Birthday at This Is the Place
We recently celebrated a birthday around here. Our little Logan-Bear decided to get older and we decided to celebrate.
Sadly, Josh was scheduled to work while our family party would have been happening so we decided to take the party to him. He works at This Is the Place Heritage Park when he isn't working as a teacher so we decided to take our fun up to the park and have some fun there so Josh could be included.
Good idea.
We also discovered it was one of Josh's co-worker's birthday that day as well so we invited the whole crew for ice cream cones and birthday fun. It really was great.
We ate our melty treat first so as not to end up with an ice cream puddle rather than cones and then we explored the park (which is waaaaaay cooler than the last time I went, which was about 10 years ago).
We caught a glimpse of all the monuments.
Got a little hands on with some of the tools.
Toured historic buildings and museums.
Interacted with animals (both the real and the fake variety).
Rode ponies.
We cooled off on the splash pad.
The kids loved the big "pirate" ship.
And panning for gold.
Other favorite bits were digging for gems in the gem pit (which costs $1, but our kids were in love with it so it was a dollar well spent), riding the train around the park, riding the mini-train around the pond, and exploring the black smith shop. It was just a lot of fun.
It was especially great because we got to spend time with our Dad which doesn't happen as often as we would like.
Happy birthday to this little man and happy family day to us all.