Family Photos a la This Is the Place Park
Well, it's fall (FiNaLlY!!)
And fall means a lot of fabulous things (like cooler weather and rain and changing leaves to name a few)
But fall also means it is time for family photos (at least in our household).
And since Josh is currently working a hand second job at This Is The Place Park, we opted to head up there on an afternoon to snap some photos and have some fun.
Now, we don't have loads of spare dollars this year to pay a photographer for their time (we know a few amazing photographers so if you are looking let me know and I'd be happy to give you some names) so we set out to do the best we could on our own.
First stop, wardrobe.
I have learned over the years that I like our family to sort of work together clothes wise when we are doing organized pictures. So we picked a color scheme (navy blue and yellow this time around) and went to work collecting items for each person.
(I always lay out the chosen items together to be sure I like they way they look.) |
Once everyone was appropriately attired, we headed up to the part, slapped our little point and shoot camera onto a tripod and got to work.
Let me share a bit of our fun with you (nope, these are not professional grade, but they will do for now). We had such a great afternoon. It's nice to have pictures with the people I love best.