Your Autograph Please -- Spring Dance for the DeMoux ladies

I told you before that my girls had a dance recital this past weekend.

Well, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't brag about them a little bit (or a lot bit) following an event like that?

The theme for the evening was "Your Autograph Please" with dances centered around Walt Disney, Helen Keller, Phil Collins, LeBron James, C.S. Lewis, and many more.  Aubrey's Dance focused on Michael Jackson and Ellie's on Keali'i Reichel.

My girls love dance to varying degrees.  Aubs is MUCH more enamored with the musical theater half and Ellie is COMPLETELY smitten with the dance half.  They both enjoy both parts, but they definitely have their own preferences (and I love that it is something they can do together).

I won't talk it up too much, but I cannot say enough about how incredible Margene is.  She runs an incredible company which functions almost like a family.  Older students are expected to watch out for younger ones, rudeness and disrespect are not tolerated.  Fun and laughter are required.  If you are looking for a great experience for your child, I STRONGLY suggest you check out Miss Margene's.  

Aubrey is not in love with her pictures, she tells me she looks like a turtle.  This dramatically improves my opinion of turtles.  I think she is lovely (my daughter, not a she-turtle).

Aubrey and Ellie's age groups on stage for finale (not the full company, but still oodles of kids).

After the performance, the girl's dad normally brings them flowers as a congratulations -- but this year he changed it up.  He made them each a candy bouquet (yes, HE made it, on his own with no help from anyone -- it was ALL his idea, for real).  The little ladies were thrilled!

Great work, girls!  You are both incredibly incredible.

Our camera battery decided to die right in the middle of Aubrey's dance -- thankfully we had a spare, but that means the performance is split into a couple of sections.  Still, it was a lot of fun.  They did great!

And our babiest baby girl.  


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