Coming Home
This past few months has been a whirlwind of events and emotions. It hasn't exactly been easy or comfortable, but most worthwhile things in life really aren't either of those.
It was unexpected when we felt so strongly that our family should move from our home of nearly 15 years. It was unexpected when our West Valley home sold quickly and we hadn't found a new house. It was unexpected when we moved in with my brother and his family (they could not have been kinder) and lived with 14 people in his house for six weeks.
But after walking through more than 60 houses, we finally found one that was what we wanted for our family (honestly, there actually had been a few others, but the market is a little wild and several times we came to find that homes were under contract when we attempted to put a bid on them).
Josh kept reminding me that we needed to look at everything that was happening as an adventure so that we (really, just me) wouldn't get depressed and frustrated. He is always so good to keep me focused. No wonder I keep him around.
Anyway, FINALLY, we found just the right fit.
So after all the paperwork and market mess and ups and downs of a ghastly process, we were able to bring our family home.
We moved into our house on October 28, just in time for trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood. Our four youngest children started in new schools on November 1 which has been a difficult adjustment. However, they are doing well, making friends (there are a lot more kids that live nearby), and learning to love it here.
This change has, overall, been a beautiful thing. I feel so very blessed. Our new home is a much better fit for our plus sized family. The living spaces allow us to breathe a bit and not be quite so cramped (although we were always cramped and happy before). In so many ways this house is exactly what we hoped for and it gives us many things we didn't even realize we wanted.
But not everything has been a perfect fit (because in life that nearly NEVER happens). We needed more storage than the home provided so we assembled loads of storage shelves for the garage and storage room.
And our couches simply could not make this turn at the bottom of the stairs. Oh did we ever try (the proof is in the nicks on the walls).
Sadly, in the end, it was not to be so our previous couches went to a wonderful new home (where they will be very very happy) and we spent time in quite a few furniture establishments before we found the newest lumber and fabric member of our family and brought him home. This tender, cudly gentleman comes to pieces and can maneuver even our tricky staircase and so he now resides in our basement (where he loves company and crime shows).
Along with a wonderful house, we also inherited a wonderful yard which boasts many wonderful trees which (in turn) drop their wonderful leaves all over the place (it being fall) so our new home has an instant supply of work for our children (and, to be honest, that doesn't make me sad).
Thankfully, they've had a good attitude about the whole ordeal and have made the best of it. Who knew they had closet raking skills?
It warms my heart that this place is quickly becoming home.
Our children have added their touch to all the nooks and crannies.
Ellie's room would not be complete without her mail box. |
And our family personality (which can be fairly energetic and maybe a tiny bit raucous) still manages to shine through.
You know the boys feel right at home because they've already become comfortable enough here to forget all about the importance of tidiness (to my eternal chagrin...sigh).
All in all, things have gone very well. We have been blessed by good friends, good neighbors, and amazing family to help us make it through this entire process and support us when we needed it (and a HUGE thank you to ALL of you, you don't know how much we appreciate you).
In truth, this is an adventure that I thought would be over when we finally found a place to live.
But I was wrong.
When we found a place to live, that was really when the adventure began.
Welcome home, DeMoux family.