
Hooray!  This week I finished my 52nd book of the year which means that this year I actually met my goal of at least one book a week.  YIPPEE!!

That said, one of the books I read this week was "The Kite Runner."  I was looking forward to this one because everyone seems to rave about it.  Yeah, I didn't like it...AT ALL!

It did have some really beautiful imagery and texture relating to Afghanistan and its rich culture...but pretty much everything else I hated.  I do NOT recommend it.  I will NOT read it again.  It was incredibly over foreshadowed (the author could not have laid it on any thicker) and the characters were shallow, they had no depth at all. 

Still, I couldn't manage to write a novel so kudos to the author for that.  And lots of people seem to like the tale (what is this world coming to?)...(no offense to all of you out there who bought a personalized mahogany box to encase your copy of the book in because it is so dear to each his own.  After all, you're talking to a lover of Barry Manilow and professional bull riding). 

Anyway, thank heaven for books.  I love to read a good one and I feel so torn as I near the last pages of a great story, such mixed emotions because I want to know the ending but I don't want the book to end.  However, I also enjoy reading a book that I don't love because there are few things funner than complaining about a rotten piece of literature. 

Which reminds me, I watched a movie this week "84 Charring Cross Road" about a woman who loves books.  I swear she is me plus 30 years (I hope I don't have to move to a tiny apartment in New York and eat Yorkshire pudding).  The movie was sensational, but maybe that is just because I saw in the main character a kindred spirit (that's right Anne of Green Gables, I said kindred spirit).  You might want to check it out if you are addicted not just to stories, but to the books themselves.  There is nothing like the dusty, earthy smell of aged pages.  A book is a beautiful thing.


Crystal said…
Hi Melissa, This is Crystal Stokes Farr from Highschool. I love reading about your family. It's so much fun. I wanted to comment now because I love to read too. I need some good books to keep me going. Do you keep track of the books you've read online anywhere? I'd love to see the list and whether they're worth reading or not.
My, my, my, no wonder people love to read what you write. Your prose is sensational and your wit is beyond measure. Keep it up and you will be required to write a book someday.
mytee sooperox said…
Great job! That is a tough goal to achieve. The only time I've done so is when I've been rereading (so it goes faster) or I read a lot of children's lit. That's what's happened this year--I'm currently on book #62. Over half of them are rereads and about 1/3 are Young Adult/Children's lit.

My goal this year is to read a least two books in every month--not numbers wise, actual months. That way I make sure I am consistently reading.

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