Science Fair

This week was the school science fair.  This is my first science fair EVER!  I never had to do this in school so this was all totally new to me. 

Bryce and his friend Quade decided to work together. I had visions of awesome exploding experiments with lab coats and plastic eye protection. They came up with the plan to try out some laundry detergents and see which one cleaned the best, so we went with that (I'm not generally one of those live vicariously through your children mothers). I was proud of them for putting it all together and coming up with an idea with very little help from their parents.

So we plunged into the fun one Saturday afternoon. Here is the low down.

The boys chose the detergents they wanted to try and the stains they wanted to clean (mustard, chocolate syrup, mascara and Root Beer??)
 Our kitchen magically morphed into a laboratory and we scientifically studied the cleaning properties of said detergents.  It was pretty thrilling.
 A couple days later the boys got together again to evaluate their results and put together their poster.  I think they did a great job.  (I tried to give them a little guidance, but they did the work on their own...this really is their project).

I am pretty proud of these guys.  I think they did a great job.

(P.S. The boys found that Gain cleaned the best of the detergents they tried.  I beg to differ.  I have not had the best results with Gain, but it was the clear winner this day.  Maybe it ate its Wheaties that morning.)


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