Dont' Take the Monkey
I can feel guilty about anything, and I often do (Josh says I am the Queen of Guilty). It is not difficult for me to figure out a way to make things my fault somehow. Josh often has to be the one to listen to my frustrations about how things with kids or callings or whatever are going and he has a favorite saying. He says "DON'T TAKE THEIR MONKEY." What he means is, don't take on other people's problems, don't take responsibility for things that are caused by other people etc. This is a lesson that I am trying to take to heart (so far, it is stuck in my esophagus...but it is on its way). This week has been a prime example, several things have gone on that have caused me great frustration (and therefore some guilt...originally) . I take the blame, then end up feeling weighed down. Josh talked me through it and reminded me to leave other people's ugly, hairy, fat, flea-ridden monkey's alone. So now(after a couple of days of letting it all sink in), I don't feel bad about other people's issues, and I can take these frustrations in a useful direction (hopefully), rather than taking it all on myself. I am really grateful for the man that I married. He is wonderful, and really perfect for me. Where would I be without him (answer: I'd be covered in monkeys).