Uh, Oh...the "BIG" primary

Tomorrow will be Gavin's first day in the "BIG" primary (meaning he is graduating from nursery). He is petrified. It took us nearly a year to be able to drop him off in nursery without him screaming and crying for us not to leave him. We know the nursery teachers really well (so we know he wasn't being tortured or anything) and they were very patient. This past few months he actually looks forward to going to "his toy class."

But now it is time to move on and he is coming unglued again. We have been trying to prep him for weeks talking about what a big boy he is and how lucky he is to be in the same primary as Parker, Aubrey and Bryce...but all to no avail. Today there was a primary breakfast so the kids could meet their new teachers before class tomorrow. You would have thought Gavin was being munched on by flesh eating beetles the way he reacted. It was ridiculous (and, if I am really honest, a little bit funny) to watch. Man, I wish I had gotten that on video. We kept him home from the activity to give the primary leaders a reprieve for one more day. Tomorrow should be fun.

Monday, Jan 5...Update: Well, I couldn't hear any screaming from where I was in the church. Gavin said he did shed some tears, but he came home with a crown and a smile. Hopefully next week will go as well.


I remember when we took our first child to nursery for the first time and she screamed like she had toads in her dress. It took several weeks before we could let her stay alone but eventually (by the time whe was 13) we were able to go to our own classes. Some kids take longer than others and it is always fun watching which will be the greatest challenge. Good luck.
I was at church today and I didn't hear anything that sounded too much like toture, so something must have gone right. I even sat in primary for a little bit. did thay have him tied up in a closet do ya think?
T-Time said…
Okay.... Gavin did pretty great actually. When Josh first dropped him off, he had big ol alligator tears that just broke my heart, but as soon as Angela stepped in with her sharing time, and we got to sit in a big circle, he sadly said I want to sit with Pawker!! so after that he was just fine. I didn't hear any screaming from sunbeams either... so on to next sunday right??

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