Uncompletable Tasks

I hate doing the laundry. It isn't so much the actual doing of the laundry that is so bad, I hate that it is a task that is NEVER done. The moment you finish the last load, it is suddenly the end of the day again and everyone takes off their clothes, so there is magically more laundry. Then, in the morning, everyone takes off their pajamas and POOF!!! More laundry. Then, because I have five inquisitive and energetic children, someone is bound to spill something, or color on themselves or someone else, or decide to paint themselves with Desatin and SHAZAAM!!! More laundry. I hate having a task that I can never call finished, it is never complete. When looking at my list of things to do, I never get to check that off. AAARRRGGGGHHHH...the frustration.

Add to that the dishes (with which I have the same problem), although that one is not quite the same because I hate the dishes so much that I just don't do them if I can help it. Poor Josh had been the main dishwasher in our home since the day we got married, little did he know what he was getting into (he's earning his way into heaven with his patience in that arena). I will scour the house for a pot that will, although not ideal, work just fine for cooking or even adjust the meal I am going to make to fit the dishes that are clean so that I don't have to wash something.

At least I don't despise cleaning toilets (not that I look forward to it). And I even take out the trash without whining. I guess we all have our quirks and our preferences. So far, my family hasn't suffered too severely because of mine. Such is life, bring on the toilets!!!


Daley Family said…
You are so funny! I have the same problems here and you have 2 more than me :) Although, I do have to say it is toilets are the things that I hate to clean!
Rachael said…
Ah, it is nice to know someone else has my views on tasks that are NEVER complete. I had ALL my dishes done yesterday, even the ones that need to be had washed and guess what? By this afternoon EVERY glass and all my silverware were dirty, thanks to all the kids having mulitple friends over. I have been working all day and still havent' done them and poor Will came in crying because he was thirsty and there were no clean cups. I had to get out some plastic cups. I so deserve mother of the year!! I am the best housekeeper ever. NOT! So anyway, to make a short comment long...I FEEL YOUR PAIN Melissa. Laundry and dishes are my mortal enemies!!
Didn't we help you install a new dishwasher a few years ago. If you teach those little angels of yours to put their dishes right in the dishwasher, what more do you need. I surely don't understand you reluctance to perform your motherly/wifely duties. Get with it little girl. Didn't we teach you better than this.

Now, when it comes to laundry, just make them wear the same clothes for a whole week and the problem is solved. The odor might not be nice, but laundry will be reduced.

Just some helpful hints from a loving dad.

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