Fair Warning

Josh and I have decided that because we are paranoid (ok, that is mostly me) in order to post the things that we want to share, we need to make our blog private so that strangers that are not part of our family and friends cannot invade our lives or whatever else. We are more than happy to let ANYONE we know view our blog, we just want to be sure no one with malicious intent gets to view our precious content. Post a comment or let us know if you want an invite to view our blog, just leave your email address and we'll be sure to include you.


Megan said…
I don't blame you! I don't have a blog for pretty much the same reason. Can I have an invite to keep up with you? My email is meol1977@yahoo.com.
Daley Family said…
mnadaley@q.com please!

Congrats on the baby:)
Don't blame you, just don't forget to invite me and Scott :) We love to read about your cute family!

We would like to be part of your exclusive club!! Other than hurt feeling, we might have to ......... Well, I can't think of anything your mother would let me do so PLEASE let us be in your treehouse!!!

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