Now We Have a Two Year Old
This week has been an exciting week for us. Josh had a very interesting soccer game last Thursday (did I mention he coaches girls soccer at the high school). It was his most eventful game yet (ask him about it sometime). The kids participated in a corn husking contest and Josh and I got to go to Greek Fest, our first date since Ellie's birth (although she came with us--all bundled and hidden from view and germy people-- so I'm not sure if that really counts as a date). The funnest part of the week was that Logan turned two on Saturday (someone forgot to tell him that you are supposed to wait until you are officially two before you become a holy terror at home) so now he can actually be labeled as "terrible two." If he weren't such a sweetheart sometimes, I don't know what we would do. He is the youngest boy, but he picks on his older siblings regularly. However, he is also the first to give a hug or bring someone his blanket if they are sad. One trait he gets from me, the other from his father. We'll leave it to you to guess which is which. He got a t-ball set for his birthday and played with it all day. In the video below you will notice that he has the baseball swagger down pretty well, but that he only taps the ball when he hits it. Funny, when he hits his siblings with things, he swings a lot harder than that.