A Day
Once upon a time, a brother asked me what it is that I do all day long. From the time I was small, I dreamed of being a mom. I have never really wanted much more from life. I LOVE being with my children. I LOVE trying to create a beautiful home for my husband to come home to (or, let's be realistic, at least keep the structure from being demolished for another day). My life is nothing exciting from the outside, nothing more than what millions of other women jump into day after day, but it it my life, and I wouldn't trade it for the glitz and glamour of any other way. Here is some of the excitement that goes on at our home from day to day.
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the cluttered world around me and forget that there is so much more to life than diapers and dishes and laundry and cooking. But without fail, when I have lost perspective, one of these little angels does something...a little laugh, a hug, a joke, a whisper, a prayer...that pulls me back into life, real life, and I remember what eternity is all about. And then I feel blessed.