
In a few days, my baby will be six months old. I can hardly believe that. No longer do we have a crinkled little creature with fluffy tufts of hair that used to cry out for us to wrap her up tightly in a blanket and snuggle her into our necks. She has grown into a marshmallow that smiles so quickly and laughs so freely that we cannot get enough of her. She is a twinkle in our home, everyone LOVES to be around her.

There is something about knowing this is our last little one that makes me feel a little bit sad. Mind you, I do not wish for more children, but this is the end of a chapter in our family. No more will we hear the sweet tiny cry of a newborn, or wonder at the fluttering eyes that can't really seem to focus on anything. The sugary moments that you share as you feed an infant in the middle of the night are so precious (even if I am glad when that part is over) and I will miss that.

And yet, we have so many beautiful moments with this chubby cherub to look forward to. I can hardly wait for her to scream, "Mama," and run into my arms as I come home from somewhere because she has missed me. I can hardly wait to watch her dance around the living room while we turn the radio up as loud as it will go and laugh when she gets dizzy and falls over. I can hardly wait to sneak in at night and find her asleep with her favorite stuffed animal bundled up tight in blankets , and watch her need her dad when she scrapes her knee, and teach her to read, and show her how a potato bug works, and on and on and on.

I am grateful to a God who is unselfish enough to allow us to share these amazing moments with His precious children. He could have hogged them all, kept them to himself, but He didn't. He trusted me with six sprites and let me feel the magic of being their mother.
I get to tickle toes, and wipe noses, and fly in the backyard, and cuddle on cold nights, and have popcorn fights...all with my very best friend by my side to share it all. I cannot imagine a better way to go through life.

Here's to eternity...
with the people I love best.
And the sweet memories that I will take with me.


This made me all teary eyed. I cannot wait for all of those sweet moments you mentioned! How lovely.
Henich Family said…
Ah what a cute post. It is so hard to see them grow up so fast. Don't get me wrong exploring new things with Aniston everyday is a blast but sometimes you just wish for that little tiny baby to hold again.
You almost make me want to have a baby in our home again........almost!!!

Actually, we are happier with the arrangements you kids provide. Thanks for sharing your little sweethearts with us. We love you all.
I know I say this a lot but I just love how you love being a mom! Can't wait for us to start a family and be as awesome as you :)
Unknown said…
Beautiful baby. Pretty blankie!

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