Binky Anyone?

I was doing some spring cleaning this week, and found this stash of binkys that I didn't even know we had.
What in the world would posses me to save all of these binkys. We don't even use this kind anymore. Some of these are still around from when Bryce was born. Many are crusted with white slobber goober leftover yuckiness and the rubber sucking bit is cracked and aged and gross.
This is just further proof that I am eccentric (to say the least). If only I could find a stash of $20 bills that I squirreled away. Now that would be something.
I wonder if these would have any power over whiny children of older ages? Maybe I could make them into a necklace...
for your viewing pleasure...
Logan, snoozing during a movie.

Kids even make sleep more exciting.

What fun!


lol! how cute is that! Parker is a good brother, poking him in the head ha ha I love it :) I do have to say I think Logan has all of us in nursery wrapped around his little finger, all because of those cute chubby cheeks and that pouty lip!
I would like to see that 'binky necklace' at church next Sunday, please.
Oh and I was giggling the whole time watching that movie. I'm surprised he never woke up!

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