
Dear Mother Nature,

I love that I live in a state that has four distinct season. Just as I start to get tired of one, it is time to move on to another. I am particularly fond of spring (although fall is my true love).

This is the time of year to watch the pale grey and white of winter vanish as puffs of color open all around. I love spring flowers, and am particularly fond of tulips. They seem so fresh and clean, but simple. They are elegant and beautiful without really trying too hard. They are fabulous.

Thanks to the warmer week you have sent our way, Josh has started prepping the garden for our spring planting...and Aubrey wanted in on the action. There are so many lessons to learn from planting and nurturing a garden (as I'm sure you know). It is wonderful to watch things grow.

Like children...it is wonderful to watch them grow too.

Finally, after being cooped up for the long winter, we can all breath deeply as we break out into the world of spring. Outdoor excitement and fun are seeping from every nook and cranny.
Life is everywhere around us.
There are so many pieces of life that you just can't see when the world is clothed in the chill of winter.

After all, it is nearly impossible to roller blade in the snow.

And bubbles are lots better when they aren't frozen.
Welcome Spring!
We're so glad you are here!!

(Even if it means bidding farewell to my favorite fluffy socks)


The DeMouxs


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