My Kids Are Perfect

My children behave so well that I NEVER have to discipline them.
They almost never whine or cry and they do exactly what they are told to do.
They keep their bedrooms perfectly clean and they smile all day long.
My kids are normal...super normal. And at the moment we have a little drama queen at our house.
Only, he isn't a girl. Our drama queen is male. We collected a little bit of the drama that we have faced in the last 24 hours and decided to share it with you.

Surprisingly, we have found that making videos of Gavin when he is whining and crying is a FABULOUS deterrent to his crying. He is much less likely to continue pitching his fit when we are trying to film him. We may have to keep up the filming, it is an easy way to get him to change his attitude.
Happy April Fools Day!!


I am so disappointed that I can't see the videos. Hope Gavin appreciates that his mom loves him enough to record he actions for posterity.

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