Growing Pains
Aubrey is growing up...and she knows it.
Sometimes she sort of forgets that she is not an adult yet.
She is VERY independent (I wonder where she got that).
Last night this little princess was sent to take a shower. She often likes to rush through washing her hair and doesn't bother to take barrettes or rubber bands out of her hair (or have us help her with that since sometimes they get a bit know hair). Sometimes this means she comes out with suds embedded in her tresses, and if we don't notice right away she is an itchy flaky mess by morning.
last night she remembered.
Except, the rubber bands were a bit she cut them out.
So, this morning when I was helping her brush and style her hair, I found big clumps of hair coming out in the pick. There was a lot of hair. I showed it to Aubery.
She cried...until I started laughing. Then we laughed together.
I guess now she has a little more layering than she had before.
I asked her not to cut the rubber bands out of Ellie's hair.
It will be harder to hide trouble there.
She just looked at me sideways and said, "Mooooooom."
Guess maybe Aubs still has a few things to learn...
...and so do I.