One Singular Sensation
This week my littlest sweet princess will be a year old. How crazy is that!
I'm not sure what to say about this that I didn't already say a few months ago (reference Nostalgia post).
Love you, little one.
I'm not sure what to say about this that I didn't already say a few months ago (reference Nostalgia post).
I am excited to celebrate the first year of life of my little bug of a girl.
I love that she reaches out excitedly to be picked up when I go into her room every morning (always with just one arm, mind you). I love that she thinks she is old enough to play Wii with the other kids, and has to have a controller to hold. I love that she has no intentions of walking until she feels like it, which isn't any time soon...and anyone who tries to convince her otherwise will get an earful! I love everything (ok, almost everything) that there is about this tiny teacup baby. I am grateful that she was born, and grateful that God sent her to our family, we wouldn't be right without her.
Love you, little one.