Tree Trimming...but not the holiday kind
Ok, so a couple of weeks ago it snowed here...a lot. I think I already mentioned that. We lost power at our house for 18 hours. Josh and I were at a movie (Hooray Harry Potter!!!) when the power went out so our poor, sweet babysitter was stuck in a dark, cold house that she wasn't used to. Poor kid. At least our children were snuggled in bed with visions of sugarplums...nope, I doubt that, maybe candy bars...dancing in their heads.
Anyway, the point is, in that storm we lost the aspen tree at the front of our house. Several major limbs broke and there was no way to salvage the tree. Josh was not sad, he has hated that tree since we moved in. I am pretty sure he hates almost every tree, but that is a post for another day.
So, we spent a couple hours meticulously cutting the tree down and piling the downed limbs in our side yard until the family truck is available to help us get rid of them. It was a big job.
Today, this little Spanish guy came to my door. He said he was taking down a broken tree in the neighborhood and wanted to know if I wanted him to take the limbs from our tree. Now, I am not stupid enough to think that my new friend was going to do this for free so I asked how much he wanted for the job.
We already cut down the tree one limb at a time. We already took down the bulk of the trunk. We already piled all the limbs and branches in one semi-tidy pile. Is there really $75 worth of work in moving our pile from our side yard to the back of his truck?
Anyway, the point is, in that storm we lost the aspen tree at the front of our house. Several major limbs broke and there was no way to salvage the tree. Josh was not sad, he has hated that tree since we moved in. I am pretty sure he hates almost every tree, but that is a post for another day.
So, we spent a couple hours meticulously cutting the tree down and piling the downed limbs in our side yard until the family truck is available to help us get rid of them. It was a big job.
Today, this little Spanish guy came to my door. He said he was taking down a broken tree in the neighborhood and wanted to know if I wanted him to take the limbs from our tree. Now, I am not stupid enough to think that my new friend was going to do this for free so I asked how much he wanted for the job.
He thought for a minute then said, $75.
Not to me there isn't. I must have looked flabbergasted. He sort of back pedaled and said, "Ok, how about $50." I just said no thanks and shut the door. Maybe I need to go into the tree removal business. The pay seems pretty posh. Of course I didn't pay it, and maybe other people won't either, so maybe the job isn't so posh after all.