Boogie Fever and other Random Cuteness
It is almost embarrassing to me when people ask me what I have been up to lately. I pretty much never have anything to say. The things we do here at home don't seem to merit a conversation highlight. I would sound stupid if I responded, "Well, I've been changing diapers and reading stories and chauffeuring children and working on cub scout requirements..." you get the idea.
So, most of the time I just say "Oh, you know, the same old thing. How about you?"
That is not to say that I consider my life dull or unimportant. I have the best life there is. It just isn't very flashy or exotic. Then again, neither am I, so we match pretty nicely.
I like spending my days with my kids even if it doesn't warrant oohs and aaahs from a waiting crowd (except when they're screaming and fighting and then I might like spending my days in the closet better) (just kidding).
I can't seem to get enough of the same old thing.