Happy Belated Valentine's Day
Yes, I am all for recognizing the people that you love all year long, but it is fabulous to have a whole day dedicated to making people you care about feel special.
So, we made valentines and took them to some friends. We had heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and we even secretly snuck to Josh's high
school and doorbell ditched his classroom. When I was young that was how Valentine's Day worked. You left a secret valentine on the porch then knocked and ran away. Oh, the good old days.
Valentine's Day also marks Josh's and my "And-a-Half" anniversary every year so we got to celebrate that (we were married August 14 so February 14 is literally six months from our anniversary).
All in all, it was a wonderful day.
The only downer was the Ellie got a case of pneumonia for Valentine's Day. Not the best treat ever, but what do you do. Poor kid.
Still, it was a wonderful day. Hope that yours was fabulous too.